After July, Blogger (run by Google) will stop working with the service that supports automatic email notifications of newposts. That means that even if you've signed up for email notifications on this site (i.e., you are seeing this in your email), you won't get emails after July. I can't commit to maintaining an email list and sending out notifications, so when the emails stop, you will need to visit the website to see updates on meetings, projects, patterns, etc. Maybe set a reminder in your calendar once or twice a month to visit the website and see what's coming up. In more cheerful and less technical news, I have been busy seaming your blanket squares (rectangles). I am making them into 3 blankets - 2 larger and one smaller, plus there is a fourth blanket that someone made and donated. Remember that these blankets will be donated to local first responders for victim support. You can feel free to keep making squares (rectangles) and I will keep putting them togethe...
We are a group that meets monthly and knits for charities in Boulder County.