First, I just want to say I'm sorry if you made the trek in to the library yesterday to find out that our meeting was canceled. I don't have any way to push notifications - the emails from the website are sent by google with some unknown latency, and I don't maintain an email list. I never thought about weather cancellations. before, so from here on out, if there's inclement weather, I'd recommend taking a look at the website ( before heading out to make sure it's still on.
Second, we're going to do a make-up meeting for March on Tuesday, the 15th, from 2:30-4:00 at the Meadows branch of the Boulder Public Library. You can just come by and drop off finished items/pick up the new pattern(s), or you can stay and knit, just like a regular meeting. I hope you can make it!
If you're itching to cast on March's project, you can find links to the patterns in THIS POST.
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